Rap Rant Face

Tell me fathers, why do you want to punish your daughters?

And brothers, do you not feel at all for the fate of your mothers?

What’s the point of control when control’s an illusion?

And I sit in my room and I write this allusion.

Are you afraid of the end of your millennial patriarchy?

Cause if not for the matriarchy of your sisters and wives

you’d be nothing but an idea floating in time,

loosely connected to nothing and no one

fighting for existence in a universe that doesn’t give a shit

about the battle of the sexes, your elegant messes

pushing you deeper into a state of depression.

The same one I’m in when I look at the news

and little girls in Afghanistan are getting raped and murdered

for refusing to marry at the age of eleven

and the woman president is voted away 

cause assholes in suits think a woman in charge

will make an image of weakness overlarge.

Did your god ever tell you to take advantage?

Your God never told you that you had to ravage,

kill or maim, that’s all you, you are to blame.

Don’t put the finger on me if my dress is too short,

if my top is too low and I’m overly drunk.

I’m not at fault for the values to which humanity has sunk.

This isn’t about hatred of men.

I don’t hate men, in fact,

I love men so much I want to be considered their equal.


Greed, crime and poverty, all are related

though none were debated in the media outlets.

No logical conclusion came to the presidential candidates,

each a joke in his own way.

Greed is a crime, causing poverty, when poverty 

is a lack of resources, greed is the hoarding

of the necessities to which a young mother needs,

causing poverty. And when poverty is so ubiquitous,

how does one come across those necessities? Food,

shelter and running water?

Rob a bank.

Shoot up a liquor store.

Run a pyramid scheme.

Human trafficking, girls kept in cages raped repeatedly

all in the name of profit, a perfect example of criminal greed.

How do you justify it to yourself? Making a living, 

turning a living soul into an object to use for financial gain.

In this case illegally, though in many prime examples

we see it done, systematically, legitimately and overwhelmingly,


I am not a cologne bottle, a beer bottle or any container used to hold liquid.

My legs do not exist to sell your product and promote consumerism.

My breasts exist for my pleasure and I will not allow a bottle of champagne

to come in between them. 

If you want to feature me in your advertisement,

clothe me and make sure that I’m not just a standard of Western beauty.

Give me dark skin, with whatever hair I was born with, no weave, no dye, me.

My ass does not exist to be rapped over, to be groped.

I am not an object, I am a fucking human being,

I am worth more than the profit you’re making off of my exploitation!

Your exploitation promotes nothing but violence and hate,

because in order to justify violence against a human being, one must first

turn that person into an object. And it’s a well known fact 

objects don’t feel pain or pleasure, but I sure as shit do.

So when you smash your wife into a wall,

“she’s not your wife, she’s not a person, she exists only for your pleasure.”

This is what we are told, as young girls.


When I look at a magazine, I can think of only one thing,

my worth as a human being is based entirely 

on my aesthetic appeal, forget the ideas and theories

I may have formulated, my knowledge, my authentic zeal

if I’m ugly then I have no future, this is what I learned as a young girl.

There are many negative messages coming from so many sources,

“you have to get married to a man, be pretty, don’t talk to much,

you have no opinion and if you do, it’s worthless,

you’re overreacting, you’re stupid, you’re fat, you’re ugly and the only way you can change things is to buy our product” that isn’t going to work.

The wrinkles aren’t going to go away, you don’t have to look

like you’re twenty years old again.

That 200$ face cream is a scam, don’t you understand?

My gender makes up 51% of the population,

yet we are underrepresented in the media and the government.

Abortion is legal, get the fuck over it, 

and quit trying to block my access to effective contraceptive.

If you want to reduce the amount of abortions being performed,

then give women a safety net, we’re not going to raise our children 

in poverty and does anyone really want to be dependent on welfare checks?

How about some more high paying jobs? They don’t exist

thanks to the legal greed I discussed earlier. And if they’re hiring

then you had better be willing to face skepticism from your peers

on whether or not you can raise your daughter and make a livable wage.

“Women just can’t have it all.”

No, we can’t because there’s no support for us in this awful world,

equality does not exist because parents in India are killing their daughters,

women in Ireland die because their dead fetus still has a heartbeat

and their blood is poisoned with the hatred of a billion people

who want to control us, poison our minds just like her blood,

tell us we’re not good enough, use us, abuse me, mistreat us,

violate, degrade, rape and defame us.

Don’t vote for us because you think our wrinkles are ugly

and our pant-suits unsexy?

Don’t tell me I’m not good enough because I know better.

I’m sick of telling myself that I have to apply myself to those standards.

I do not, nor will I ever weigh 110 pounds.

I am good enough. I am smart, I’m strong and hard working.

I get good grades and I am equal competition for a man in the labor force.

I’m a good driver, I don’t think about what my wedding is going to be like,

rather how I’m going to work my ass off to see what the world has to offer me.

I am not stupid, I am not silly, I will overcome your oppression 

and turn you inside out.


So don’t tell me I can’t do this, I can’t be that

instead I have to do this, be that.

Fuck that, I do what I want,

and you know what else?

Fuck the GOP,

fuck Daniel Tosh and his awful rape jokes and sexist humor,

fuck your calendars with girls in bikinis modeling on cars,

any person that kidnaps a child, whether a boy or a girl

and keeps them in cages, breaking their spirit with rape and abuse

so they won’t run away when they’re sold on the street, they can go to hell,

and if you’re religion tells you that I am your property,

burn it, reject it, tell the clergy and the pope that I will not have my reproductive freedom limited because his imaginary god tell his so.

I am my own master

and I will not shut up.