Poem for a Friend (Igloo)

by hayleybea

I built you an igloo 

out of straw and mud.

“contradiction,” you said,

 but still I built.

In a house full of diamonds,

you would begin to appreciate me,

you would break your back to love me,

in a house full of diamonds.


The igloo, unfortunately, melted the next day

in an unexpected, catastrophic  almost classical

heat wave.

It was too hot to breathe 

or live.


I lay where my igloo sat last night;

my hair and clothes soaking

in the mud,

and I imagine all the young people,

beautiful and alive

jumping into the lake.

Off of rocks goes a girl in her underwear,

off the docks, a boy wearing orange gym shorts.

The whole town takes off for the beach,

and you and I are left alone,

in the spot where your igloo sat.


This is how things start,

this how they continue,

and this is how they end.